Living in a Garden is as easy as looking in the glass.

Welcome to my Garden!
Living in a Garden is as easy as looking in the glass.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Some Mother's Day stuff :)

Holy cow I made it through the Mother's Day rush.. My first hehe every flat surface had something on it hehe

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Wow been busy and missed a few pics but here are some new ones!

Let's See.... Vickie's Mom - Rhonda's Mom - Theresa's Mom (OMG too Cute)
Debbie Y's Redo - Sharon's Redo :) wow I been busy :)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

Pics for Dad - Mini Dodaddles

These are pics for my dad to look at for reasons known only to myself.
I do have plans for some of these though :)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bonnie's Shower Terrariums - And DADDY!!!!

All Bonnies Babies all in a row!
What a Great Trip to see my Dad!!!  He is a remarkable Man and so proud to be his daughter to be sure. We had great luck all the things we did on our trip and some of the stories are funny! So nice to be home and brought wonderful memories with me. I wanna go back again!! soon! 
This Pic reminds me so much of Sigmund Freud!!
Except my Dad is smarter :) hehe
Just love this Pic!!